Pretty Funny
15 March 2019
Now, clearly this movie is not Scott Pilgrim, or Deadpool, both of which this flick borrows from, BUT, I did think it was pretty entertaining and often hilarious. Yes, the narration, as another review noted, is a little over the top, to put it mindly, however I often found myself laughing, surprised, or even shocked by some of the one liners, stop downs, and silly, bordering on ridiculous, sight gags they threw in this thing. All the "big" names in the movie were clearly there just for the paycheck, but I really got a kick out of Matthew Kingsbaker. He definitely went for it, and I loved the romance/paranoia subplot between him and the leading lady. Look, it's no Midnight Run, but if you dig wacky, over the top, self deprecating humor in a movie that clearly isn't taking itself too seriously, check it out.
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