One of the Best Kdramas Ever
14 March 2019
The drama series may not be everyone's cup of tea for it has it's fair share of flaws ranging from an imbalance between the different genres and a mixed storyline. However the reason why I gave it a perfect score, is because it has a lot of great aspects that outshines it's flaws. Starting with the STORY, even though there is alot going in the drama, it has unique plot line. You get to see a different take on super-powers. The female lead, unlike most dramas where they play a somewhat passive role, plays an active role. The characters have a great chemistry and compliment each other. The drama will take you through a lot of emotions as it includes a lot of genres that are somewhat well balanced. It has a great humor (which some people might get butthurt from) and great romance! which will definitely shake your heart. It has a mysterious and criminal side to it, which is not really well written, but can be overlooked as there other great aspects to the drama. Overall, I'd give it a 9.9 and definitely re-watch (a 100%). Another series to for this drama would be interesting.
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