Lifebreath (1997)
Lifebreath - What would you do for love? Warning - spoilers.
4 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Martin Devoe (Luke Perry} desperately loves his wife Chrystie (Francie Swift). She has Cystic Fibrosis and the long term prognosis isn't good. She needs a heart/lung transplant which is hard enough on its own, but her blood type is AB-. He devises a plan to find someone who is a suitable donor with a minimum of family ties to be the unwitting donor. He does. Gale (Gia Carides) is a beautiful, single, young woman with only one living relative, her mother. Martin begins an affair with Gail and uses some technological trickery and a stolen key for his plan. His last words to Gale, "I'm sorry". The plan works perfectly and Chrystie lives. She knows just enough of the plan, the affair but not the reason why, which is a bad thing. In saving his wife's life, Martin loses her love for him.
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