A look inside.
20 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen various quite strong criticisms voiced by people about this episode. I do share some of those misgivings because there are certainly flaws in this story. However, it has grown on me and the strengths within it outweigh the negatives for me.

I do not agree with criticisms that this disappoints in terms of showing the contents of the TARDIS. The Eye of Harmony is shown which is a nice link to the 8th Doctor movie. It is impossible to depict a star on the point of collapse into a black hole but, given the dimensional capabilities which can alter apparent size, the heart of the TARDIS is depicted well enough for me. A depiction of a sort of workshop where items can be built by the TARDIS is good and interesting. The library is excellent and Clara looking into a book and seeing the name of the Doctor was dramatic at the time. The potions and medicines and other quirky things shown are cool. The swimming pool being shown, albeit fleetingly, for the first time in many years was a nice touch. Of course there are lots of corridors but it all seems pretty satisfactory as the TARDIS interior to me. Far better than in Invasion of Time

The 'monsters' chasing them around are in the end a little hard to understand in terms of why they try to attack them but if it is the influence of time trying to heal a paradox it kind of makes sense even though it is yet more 'timey wimey' slightly over the top stuff which the Moffatt era overuses imo. The strength of this idea though is it does add a creepiness, a menace and an exciting threat which are more enthralling than them just being lost in the TARDIS.

I do think when it comes to the TARDIS freezing as it starts to explode, another crack in time appearing and the Doctor climbing through it to present a reset button which makes all the events not happen is a cheap trick ending that is also repetitive of all the other deus ex machina resets of the Moffatt era. It is here that I agree with those who attack this episode and I do think this detracts from the quality. This easy get-out does at least make some sense in terms of internal logic I think, therefore I think it is a slightly better version of earlier uses of this type of deus ex machina in Moffatt stories.

The elements of building the Clara storyline with the Doctor confronting her etc are good and there is lots of nice dialogue and character touches. Matt Smith and Jenna Louise Coleman are strong and the scavengers trying to find salvage from the TARDIS are reasonable in terms of providing something for the Doctor and Clara to react against. I am glad one of the three guest characters is a positive and engaging character while the others give some drive to the story with their selfish, greedy and uncaring actions. The reveal about one of the crew not knowing something major about themself seems a bit odd.

Overall this falls short of a higher level Who adventure for me due to the things which seem contrived and unconvincing including the repeat of the overblown, timey wimey reset idea. But there is lots of entertainment along the way and taken on its own merits it is an ok filler episode.

My Rating: 7/10.

My Series 7 Episode Ranking: 8th out of 14.
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