Lava Zombies!
19 February 2019
This film begins with an elderly member of the Cherokee tribe by the name of "Night Wolf" (Danny Trejo) telling a story to three young girls around a campfire. As the story goes, sometime in the winter of 1846, a settler is returning to his camp near the Donner Pass in Northern California and, upon arriving arrives, is shocked to find that most of his family have been killed and those that remain have been turned in to ravenous zombies. It's at this time that a volcano erupts which engulfs him and everybody in the area. The film then fast-forwards to the present where some scientists are studying a once dormant volcano known as Devil's Peak which is suddenly showing signs of coming back to life. Yet, even though everybody in the area has been ordered to evacuate, a few choose to remain under the mistaken assumption that they still have a few more days before it erupts. Unfortunately, not only does it erupt sooner than expected but--when it does erupt--it spits out zombies who proceed to devour every person in their path. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was about one of the silliest movies I have ever seen. To make matters even worse, some of the special effects were incredibly bad as well. Yet as bad as this film was, I still believe that it might hold some possible redeeming value for viewers who are looking for a comedy--and have plenty of beer on hand to further lighten the mood. Failing that, I would recommend giving this film a pass and I have rated it accordingly. Definitely below average.
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