Sightings (1991–1997)
Sighting the Unknown
15 February 2019
This is another one of my favorite unexplained phenomena documentary shows, and it's another childhood gem of mine as it was another show that fully got me into the unexplained phenomena genre and has inspired me to become somewhat of a researcher and investigator in that field.

I really like that theme which is solid, the music fits but of course as it was playing there were a lot of those images and the categories the show covers. It was cool though I'll admit as a kid that one ghost face or alien that is just a little fuzzy visual, I saw when the Mind category comes up was a little creepy. Tim White is a solid host as he is very much mater of fact, I really like how the show treats the unexplained phenomena mater with seriousness.

The show is format much like a news program which I think gives this show not just a unique flare, but it also means multiple subject matter in one episode will be thoroughly covered and at a good pace. In a way this show basically is a news program for anyone that is into unexplained phenomena, let alone one of the only news programs that are worth watching because it's interesting, useful, and important (in my book anyway) even cool and fun if you can believe that.

This format works to the those benefit because with it their able to cover multiple subjects in the genre all in one episode. The interviews and even the camera footage let alone editing is all well done in the professional manner. Certain stories might be a tad dated since this program was on years ago but it's still cool to watch them as those stories are a historical record now giving it some educational value but also, it's just fun to compare note from the findings of before to the findings of now.

Each of the stories are always different from the UFO sighting reports which are always cool, psychic powers, hauntings, you name it. Like one story was on Orson Welles and the Voodoo curse on him and the incomplete documentary he made called "It's all True" being a film buff these things I honestly never knew about and from this story and considering his downfall latter on you can't help but wonder.

Though I really enjoy the stories on the prophesies which are interesting to watch now considering they were made in the early to mid-90's and considering how far we've came as it's now 2019 and maybe we'll make it beyond that, it's a bit funny. My only conclusion to some of those doom and gloom prophesies are either their we're off by centuries or years, or they saw into an alternate reality. I don't know, but no one ever did say prophesy is always an exact science and beware as sometimes some of them do come true.

For enthusiasts of Unexplained phenomena, this vintage documentary show is a sight worth seeing.

Rating: 4 stars
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