The Flash: Cause and XS (2019)
Season 5, Episode 14
I am beyond shocked by other people's reviews...
13 February 2019
Of this actually good episode. I must say, Legends did this whole thing a bit better because their episode was just sooo hilarious (the "Custodians of the Chronology ;)). In this Episode we got to see Nora step up as a Flash and try to protect her friends without her father's help. It was very emotional, her acting was great. I felt just as desperate as she seemed to be feeling. Now.. What I don't understand. Y'all loved the Flashtime episode but you hate this one. Why exactly? I mean the plot is a bit different but both are basically about a speedster being desperate to save the people they love. I can't help but feel like some of the Flash fandom is hating on women simply because they are women. Well, go find another show to watch because the CW shows are not about your misogynistic cr*p. First Iris gets all the hate, now it's Nora. (Shoutout to the CW for giving us all these awesome female characters in the Arrowverse. I wish I had had such badass female idols when growing up.) The actress is doing a great job, the plot (which is about the West-Allens as a family and NOT Cicada, if you haven't noticed by now) and Nora is going through a lot of emotional distress just like Barry did in seasons 1 and 2. I personally love these emotional family scenes and have been loving them since season 1. Furthermore, I do feel like we get to see so much of Nora because they are trying to set something up for the future (the producers of Arrowverse recently said something about the future) and I really hope we will get to see more of Nora in the future. Now, to all of those who haven't seen the episode: it's worth watching even if LoT did it just a little bit better.
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