Realistic courtroom drama without all the egos!
30 January 2019
It is a beautiful soulful courtroom drama without all the antics and egos in a big western show. Each episode revolves around a court case, which is usually resolved in 1-2 episodes. The characters are played beautifully by the actors, especially the 2 main lawyers Hassan (who comes across like a gentle thoughtful Atticus) and the young independent Farah. The cases themselves are interesting with a good semblance to real life - from kidnapping, murder, inheritance, drug smuggling to the more mundane real life of 2 parents who are disagreeing on the care of the autistic daughter. One of the most real TV moments I've ever seen in a fictional programme is when the 10-year-old girl with autism/Asperger's syndrome returns to the office to tell the junior clerk that she hoped he didn't feel bad that her parents listened to the senior lawyer and not to him. I can only imagine the stories and characters are based on real life situations. I commend everyone involved in this show, especially considering all the bad press that the UAE/Middle East receives about dictatorial justice. I'm not from arab culture so I was pleasantly surprised by the portrayed beautiful humanism of their court system. The system is different and you can expect death penalty for rape, but it never feels wrong, just intriguing. It's nice to see a world where defendant and prosecution lawyers aren't sworn enemies but actually try to resolve matters and talk to each other. I'll admit there isn't the high-grade forensics Sherlock Holmes' style analysis in the show, but it doesn't need it. I recommend everyone to see this show, although I know only few people will be able to appreciate the beauty of its simplicity. The fact that women can portray a role without the focus being on their looks, fashion and glamour is anathema to 99% of western shows created in recent times. So take a chance, you may love it!
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