Evidence (III) (2012)
It's Aliens, it's Bigfoot, it's...
20 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
You have what starts off as your typical found footage horror movie. Mystery in the woods, a character disappears, lots of screaming and chaos ensues. It's gives you just enough answers to give you a satisfactory ending but ultimately fails to deliver anything special. At least it's not overly long. But the constant screaming and camera flickering in the final 20 minutes or so is a little irritating. If you're watching for the gore and violence, you'll enjoy it a bit. If you want answers to all your questions, you'll be disappointed and have to come up with your own theories. I like to think the creatures were an experiment by Al Gore and is goons to create a gang of manbearpig to take over the woods and eventually the world. So you could look at it in a comedic sort of way like I did. It's worth a one time watch.
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