Review of Labor Day

Labor Day (2013)
An unexpected treasure
12 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Labor Day" tells the story of a single mother that struggles with the loss of her unfaithful husband and develops serious psychological issues that rarely allow her to leave the house, making the relationship to her little son very intense. When they go out to shop groceries one day, a man who just fled prison forces himself into their life and leaves remarkable traces.

The story is told with a lot of wisdom and empathy. It is a love story, however most of the time it avoids becoming too cheesy and manages to create an atmosphere where you really wish the best to all the characters. Unfortunately, some parts of the plot bend the plausibility a bit too far in my opinion and are too easily identifiable as scripted but that doesn't change the fact that the overall impression is strongly positive, supported by great acting and a beautiful narration.

All in all this is a special little film that follows some well-known patterns but succeeds in the try to outstand them most of the time.
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