Chuck Vincent should have stuck to pornos.
9 January 2019
These '80s sleaze comedies never get off to a good start. You start watching and think, hey, maybe this one won't be as bad as the others. And then you go straight into the awful bargain basement pop song on the soundtrack while basically nothing happens on screen, and you're just sitting there waiting for it to be over, but of course they want you to hear the whole thing, either because with a movie as low-budgeted as this, songs are big investments, or because the movie had to be padded with a lengthy beginning and end sequence in order to make it fit feature film length. Or both.

The movie begins with the protagonist being arrested. I did not understand why, but Wikipedia says it was for vandalizing the Hollywood sign (it did appear to say "Hollyweed" in the opening sequence).

To avoid the "buttslammers" in prison, as his mother helpfully calls them, the protagonist gets a job as a plumber. Since when did getting a job prevent you from going to prison?

Watching an uncharismatic young man learn plumbing skills is really not my idea of a good time. The movie is so bad that it actually makes you think that that is all it is going to be about. There's nothing about its opening scenes that might take anyone's interest.

Finally, the hero goes to a house to fix a hot tub, and finds a pair of porn stars. Of course they don't have sex - '80s sex comedies never feature any, um, sex - but they get naked and we see the lady's nipples.

When you finally get a good look at the hero's face, he looks scary! His eyes are crazy looking. There is a lengthy scene where the characters play arcade games, which was probably no more interesting to watch in the '80s than it is now.

The movie does an awful job of explaining anything you see happening on screen. Characters do things and the screenplay or direction don't bother to tell you why. There is a scene where one of the guys the hero works with disguises himself and starts speaking in a strange accent when he goes into a place with hot tubs. He then seems to take the disguise off and walks around the place as normal. What was the point of the disguise?

After a while it gets infuriating. So much stuff happening on screen. So little idea what it is and why it is and what you are supposed to feel about it.

A scene in a women's locker room does deliver more topless women than most American sex comedies, but of course, they're only on screen for a few seconds.

The movie seems to be trying for some kind of romance between the protagonist and a girl he works with. This could be the only real narrative thread in the movie, but it is so disjointed that you forget about this so called romance from scene to scene, and the girl could probably do better than the creepy and uncharismatic hero.

There is a scene in a men's locker room, with many bare male butts, and even a penis. I guess Chuck Vincent couldn't suppress his gay pornographer urges.

The movie ends in a party. Whose party? Why? Where? You won't care. The important thing is that it ends, and I hope I'll forget about it as soon as possible.
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