Butterbean's Café (2018–2020)
Not too bad
27 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the first 2 episodes of this show online, I hated it at first solely because A) It's from modern Nick Jr and B) I didn't even bother to look past the surface. BUT, now I have changed my mind. I kinda feel bad for hating on this show before.

Butterbean's Cafe is actually one of the best shows Nick Jr has had in a while (not counting acquired shows such as T&F). The writing is above average, even though it can get a bit too sweet at times. The animation can be nice to look at in some scenes.

I find the plots to be somewhat interesting (going off the Wikipedia descriptions anyways), and there's a number of them that I wanna watch. My most favorite aspect of the show is how it's a spoof of cooking shows on the Food Network. The whole show is pretty much set up like a reality show, the characters even have confession scenes sometimes. The cooking scenes are entertaining and even a bit educational.

My only real complaint with the show is that Dazzle, Poppy, Jasper, and Cricket are basically all the same characters, but with a different coat of paint. You could switch their roles in an episode, and nothing would change. I find the most interesting character in the show to be Ms. Marmalady, the villain of the show, the Plankton to Butterbean and co's SpongeBob in that she wants to put them out of business. In retrospect, I'm glad it's become a huge hit for Nick. (PS, if you dislike this show, I respect your opinion)
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