Better than it should be. (non-Christian opinion)
1 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm an atheist, but I didn't view this film as someone trying to argue me into a religion I don't like. Instead it's about a character learning something about his choices, others choices, and their role in the world. It reminded me a lot of In Bruges. Decent acting from a likable cast. The protagonist seems very young, I think they could have put some effort into making him look less like a high school leaver.

I don't know why people are complaining about the writing of this story, because frankly Hollywood should be ashamed that a christian film deals with theme better than the majority of them. (that being said, there were a few moments where things were said that were already implied, and where the conversation with god went in circles)

There was a major missed opportunity, throughout the film we're lead to believe that the main character had cheated on his wife, and that he couldn't forgive himself for that. Midway through it's revealed that she'd cheated on him, and he'd been wrongfully blaming himself. Considering it's theme, and especially considering it's message in a religious context,it would have been better for him to have cheated. But I guess a Christian film wouldn't want to even think about touching Transgressive fiction with a ten foot pole.
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