Paranormal Survivor (2015– )
Need a medium to cleanse the show
13 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Really hits the over-drama button in Season 3. While I sometimes enjoy watching shows of this genre, taking them with a grain of salt as an "interesting campfire ghost story" sort of mentality. This show really flies off into the wild blue yonder in its third season. While the first 2 seasons had an occasional story that pushed the boundary of making you roll your eyes, season 3 your eyes roll right out of your head, get in the car and head for Mexico. The stories become cookie-cutter : "I moved in a house, I got unnerved by the most mundane occurrences, I dealt with it for years before getting off my rear end and calling a "medium" who in season 3 is conveniently my sister/brother/neighbor who comes and does a cleansing which come season 3 moves from a simple cleansing ritual to an out and out scene from the exorcist movie. Honestly the way the re-enactments are portrayed you would think 8 foot demon battles were a normal everyday occurrence. Sometimes the reasoning behind a 'haunting' is downright ludicrous. From the evil "Skull and Bones floor-mat that 'invited' the dead inside" to the "Tarot cards are basically the same as a Ouija board right?!" The stories really fly beyond a "ghost story" to an inconceivable fight with "the Evilist Evil that ever Eviled". Sometimes even the "victims" can't even keep a straight face during the telling when they have to say something ridiculous. The same medium or paranormal team shows up time and time and time again (must have a wide coverage area). While in seasons 1 and 2 the "medium" would tell them to stay and fight the presence, season 3 rolls around and they give them the exact opposite advice stating "It's just too evil to fight, and you should sell your house and run!" So, like so many other shows of this genre, it starts off as at least an interesting set of stories to a sad attempt at over-dramatized ratings grabbing nonsense. So my advice if you're going to watch it for stories sake...stick with the first two seasons....unless you just want it for ridiculous cheesy schlock...then feel free to carry on.
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