The Mighty Hercules (I) (1963–1966)
Pure cheese from start to finish.
11 November 2018
Mighty Hercules is one of those cartoons that you watched when you were a kid because, let's face it, you'd watch anything back then. Taking a look at it now and you really wonder what you saw in it in the first place.

The story is pretty basic. The Mighty Hercules of legend lives on Mount Olympus and decides to come to Earth to help mankind. What a swell guy. But for some reason his powers won't work on Earth and so he gets a special ring from Zeus that when he holds it aloft he gains his mystical strength again.

Along the way he befriends an annoying centaur called Newton who tends to say things twice. There's a fawn by the name of Toot who doesn't sing but just tootles on his pipes. There's his girlfriend Helena who's... there as eye candy. And then there's the young by the name of Dorian I believe and all of them love Hercules because he's so cool.

But of course there's all the baddies that try to do bad stuff and force Hercules to fight them. Some of the more memorable ones were the evil wizard Daedalus who may or may not be the same guy from the Greek legend. And some other guy, I think who was called "the Mask", who wore the "Mask of Vulcan" which was more like a helmet but it granted him invulnerability.

Hijinks ensue, Hercules tries to beat them normally, then puts on his ring to regain his powers and beats them easily. The cartoon finishes with Hercules shouting out "Olympiaaaaaa!!!" as he flies through the air back to Mount Olympus and roll credits. And that's just about every episode.

This is obviously something made on the cheap. The animation is a little wonky where in order to save money a lot of the movements were reduced, limited or in some cases replaced by speed lines. The voice acting is.... average I guess for the time. And the overall scripts, as stated earlier, were very cookie cutter.

I get nostalgia. I have it for a lot of things but that doesn't prevent me from seeing the flaws in a product and this products is full of flaws.

Watch it for a laugh but try not to take it too seriously.
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