Lore (2017–2018)
Season 2 of Lore Rocks A New Vibe
29 October 2018
Season two doesn't have Aaron Mahnke's narrative and by golly I think that's a plus. Lore podcasts have it as that is why it's a podcast. But to bring the stories to reality and visually Lore does just that! As Mahnke himself said in a recent interview, filming the story with the beautiful cinematography allows viewers to grasp the fear, those silence moments when the audience is clued in to the horror. He can narrate that there's a man creeping about in the barnlot, but to see it actually happening when the characters don't makes it more frightening. If you want a narrative listen to the podcast! Sean Crouch brings the Know-how to keep the slow build of terror through images and lighting as he did in the fabulous The Exorcist. Each Lore episode is a contained story. The audience plays a role by seeing what the characters do not. There's still pop-up supplements that explain a fact and there's the beautiful animation to fill out the story for time's sake. Season 2 invites the viewer into the story, rather than having Mahnke tell them in a passive way. Lore on TV is going to be different than the podcast and the books. It's higher production value gives us great storytelling. The actors are superb! I was thrilled to see Jürgen Prochnow and Ian Gelder as they're such fine actors. And props go to Alicia Witty for her sensual portrayal of the "red Lady" in the final story. She was excellent. Lore is a show to watch!! Powerful in its imagery and storytelling.
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