Beasties (1991 Video)
Beasties: The definition of "Trash" cinema
11 October 2018
Beasties is an early 90's creature feature that promises more than it delivers.

From the cover you'd assume a movie with the core being killer monsters and a lot in the way of t&a, both are oddly absent.

You see the plot is a jumbled mess involving little alien creatures (Who are barely on screen at all) and an occult group made up of punks (Because as the 80s and 90s told us, all punks are evil).

The plot is more than a little hard to follow, the creatures (Alike everything else) look terrible and the fact they're barely on screen shows how much false advertising has gone into this and calling this a horror is laughable. In fact if anything I'd call it a comedy horror, a really cheesy campy comedy horror because the tone is far too silly to be taken seriously.

I hate the term trash cinema, generally I quite enjoy these types of films (To a degree) but this is the absolute pits.

The Good:


The Bad:

Script is dire

Looks like crap

Goofy music

That ending.....really?

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Killing aliens could begin an intergalactic war but stealing their children is acceptable
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