This movie should've been called The Plot Hole of Cheese
23 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this movie but it was a let down and I love a good revenge movie. The first half made the revenge half unsatisfying. I don't need to see graphic rape and torture but every scene was off camera. You need to feel what they went through so you can enjoy the revenge. That was a problem, on top of the bad acting, I mean it was bad. The plot holes were all through out the movie. Was everyone in this small farm town asleep, that they didn't notice this "rare" truck being driven around by two girls covered in blood? One of which was wearing underwear. You're telling me these hick bafoons were running a sex trafficking ring, that brought in enough cash, where each bad guy had 100,000 hidden in cookie jars or tool boxes? They left there prints everywhere they went but all of a sudden, they set up a murder suicide, with help of Dexter and the suicide was 2 shots in the head.... hhhmmm.... just in case the first bullet to the brain doesn't work here's one more. Want to make sure im dead. The Uncle was the worst FBI agent I have ever scene. Tied up to chair with something that looked as strong as ribbon, by a moron sherrif. Like I said I wanted to like this but really?
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