Star Trek: Voyager: Investigations (1996)
Season 2, Episode 20
Well Crafted for the Most Part
20 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this episode. Even though Neelix has that gossipy TV show and it gets pretty personal. It is his rather aggressive and annoying MO that brings awareness of something amiss on Voyager. We have, for many episodes, been watching that engineering jerk compromise the ship by engaging the Kason. We never know how much we can believe Neelix. He doesn't seem very formidable physically, but he did participate in war. His confrontation with the enemy shows that when pushed, he can handle himself. The big plot involves Paris leaving Voyager for greener pastures. How can this be, you ask, oh television series watcher. That's the mystery. We also get to see Ceska (or as I like to call her, Fresca). She is despicable. I suppose since she is pregnant, they can't just shoot her. I'm sure that despite the conclusion of the episode, she's still out there, doing her thing. But, overall, there was lots of action, mystery, and fun.
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