Jake Speed (1986)
Jake Slow
18 August 2018
Jake Speed is a film that attracted a minor cult following in the mid 1980s in the VHS market. It tanked in the US box office and the publicity for the film compared Jake Speed with James Bond with a straight face!

This laughably bad B film starts with two young women being chased in Paris who are then taken to Africa by white slave traders, a ring operated by Sid (John Hurt.)

The sister of one of the kidnapped girls Margaret (Karen Kopins) gets into contact with pulp fiction hero Jake Speed (Wayne Crawford) to rescue her sister. They head off to an African country in the midst of a civil war. Margaret knows nothing about Speed and he seems to act more like a slacker with no plan leaving Margaret dubious about him.

This is a low budget movie despite some location shooting in several countries. It is a sub standard Romancing the Stone rip off. For a comedy action adventure, it has no action or humour. The pace of the film is in slow motion.

Crawford lacks any charisma and Hurt camps it up for a pay cheque. I think Hurt bought a farm in Kenya with the money.
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