The Demented (2013)
3 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a low budget wannabe zombie flick. Three bikini teases and their boyfriends spend some time away from their college studies to have some fun in rural Louisiana. While a slow motion camera films them playing on a kids water slide (the hill wasn't that steep and the slide wasn't that long) and tossing a Nerf football (can't you feel the adrenaline rush?), NuBuck (Michael Welch) gets a call from his father claiming that terrorist missiles are on the way.

Our couples are spared a direct hit, but a biological agent is spread about causing a rabies like infection in people and animals. The zombie craze has turned from slow foot dragging, return from the dead, zombies to fast moving unthinking pack animals that attack uninfected people. Our couples' goal is to escape the quarantined area without being bit by anything.

The film boasts a metal sound track, bad dialog, with stiff characters played by actors that haven't reached their potential. I did like the infected dog.

This is the first attempt by writer/director Christopher Roosevelt, whose resume includes being the producer of "Ninja Cheerleaders." It shows promise. It would have been nice if he had created clever dialog characters. The boyfriend cheating drama went nowhere and I am not sure why that was even tossed in. We could have had another two minutes of bikini girls on the slip and slide.

Parental Guidance: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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