Electric Dreams: The Father Thing (2018)
Season 1, Episode 7
Average sci-fi story in which a father is replaced by an alien
16 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen this episode compared to Stranger Things. I think that comparison is unfair on Stranger Things, which is full of charm and a twisting plot. This one is really a slog. Kid sees his father replaced by an alien, tries to tell people but no one believes him. There are certain humourous moments in the episode and a few darkly comic moments such as when the father has something moving under the skin if his face. But there aren't nearly enough of these moments to make the episode enjoyable. There are no real twists in the plot and moral issues aren't explored in any depth. Nor do we even find out where the aliens came from, what they are or why they're here. The final scene is a bit unsettling as the main character does something disturbing. But there's no explanation, and the episode just seems... pointless.

The father's actor is pretty good, but not that memorable in any way. He's not very creepy and not very funny. Equally the kid actors is okay but lacks the charm of the kids in Stranger Things or in movies like ET.

Overall, this is the weakest episode yet, even weaker than 'Crazy Diamond', because at least that episode had a delightfully bizarre world.
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