Moving Parts (III) (2017)
Could have been a contender, but failed to deliver.
24 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Clean audio track (1 star) Shots in focus (1 star) Framing of shots (1 star) Editing (1 star) SCRIPT / STORY (no star) it seems over done, more subtlety would have worked better. Some of the dialogue is just lame. Other dialogue is pointless. (Show, don't tell) Example: the scene where crime boss tells two thugs to go to the home of the delinquent debtor. First off, the set location used for the crime boss does nothing to enhance his credibility. Looks like someone's bedroom with a couple of shelves and a desk pretending to be an office of the crime boss. The close up showing the Boss pouring a drink makes the boss look tentative, hesitant and certainly not powerful. The dialogue doesn't help, some doesn't make sense. Boss: "McKal, you got no idea who did this?" Thug 1 (McKal): "No sir, never seen him. When we do ..." Boss: "One thing at a time. Where was Kevin?" Thug 2: "I don't know. When we came to he was gone." Thug 1: "Yeah" Boss: "Did he have a briefcase, did he bring any money?" Thug 1: "No Boss" Boss: "I think it is time you pay him a visit. Go to his house. Check it out." Thug 2: "Yes sir."

The crime boss wants his money. I wouldn't expect the boss to care what happened to the thugs, beyond them having failed in their function. Then the fact they have already paid Kevin two visits, the time to pay him a visit comment makes no sense. In my mind the scene should have been more like:

Boss: where is my money? Thug 1: "sorry boss we ..." Boss: "Get out of here, and don't come back without my money!"

The above would have made more sense to me. Lighting is inconsistent ( no star) good, okay , substandard and poor, depending on the moment.

Acting (no star) few believable characters, plenty of over acting.

Directing (no star) director allowed less than credible performances to stand.

Locations (no star) LOTS of boring blank walls behind the characters. Set locations didn't work well to sell the story.

Casting (no star) when you put that much time and energy into a production, get cast members who can perform the roles properly.

Fight Choreography (no star) not credible
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