Ratatoing (2007 Video)
Comparing this film to "Ratatouille" is like comparing a festering toilet to The Mona Lisa!
19 June 2018
Video Brinquedo created "Ratatoing" capitalize on the popularity of Disney's "Ratatouille". However, in almost no way can you compare the two. Sure, they're both films and they both are about rat chefs...but that's where the similarity ends. While "Ratatouille" is a charming and well-crafted film, "Ratatoing" is essentially garbage...a charmless, ugly and horribly animated movie. It's so ugly and awful that I can't even see children enjoying anything about the movie. With CGI that looks like it was created in the 1980s or early 90s (at best) and a dull story, it's a real chore to finish this mess.

The story, if you care, is about a rat chef who has to retrieve secret ingredients. The rat patrons wonder how they get the wonderful food and this is because at night the restaurant workers go in search of human food on Thursday nights. There's a bit more to it than this (such as some competing rat restaurant wanting to steal Ratatoing's secrets) but none of it is interesting in any way.

Is this the worst children's film ever? Possibly. I am not sure I'd call it that because it really was never intended as a theatrical piece...just a super-cheap and crappy direct-to-video fiasco whose awfulness is hard to imagine....you need to see its awfulness for yourself to believe it!

I give this one one star...simply because IMDB doesn't allow a score of zero.
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