Agenda driven movie is obvious.
6 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the thing, what happened at Columbine was a tragedy. And it was inevitable that somebody would come along and try to make a movie about it. The problem is instead of focusing on the events that took place and led up to the shooting we're instead shown the life of a young girl who was killed in the tragedy.

That all by itself wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing as part of this is based on her diary and what her friends said of her. They even go as far as to portray her as a normal teen who sneaks out of her house to have some fun with her friends and have her drink and smoke.

But they really played up the religious angle which would be fine if it actually had anything to do with the story. The idea is that the killers supposedly asked her before she was shot if she believed in God and when she said yes, they said, "go be with him" and shot her. The problem is, nobody else was around to have heard her say this. All this story is building up to her, when being faced with death, saying she believes in God knowing it would mean her death.

And yet the killers also seemed to go after those that weren't believers. This is why I say this movie has an obvious agenda. And honestly I wouldn't mind so much. Religious movies are a big thing in today's world. The problem is when they decide to play fast and loose with the facts or reality in an attempt to sell their story.
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