Andromeda: Into the Labyrinth (2001)
Season 2, Episode 9
A reporter approaches Harper and a Nietzschean pride applies to join the Commonwealth
2 June 2018
As this episode opens a diplomatic conference is taking place aboard Andromeda, this includes members of the press. One reporter approaches Harper for an interview... she wants rather a lot though; she asks him for the library of information he acquired in the episode 'Harper 2.0'. In exchange she will remove the Magog larvae infesting him. Unfortunately for him he hid it then erased all memory of where he put it from his memory; against Trance's advice he starts searching for it. Meanwhile Charlemagne Bolivar, leader of the Nietzschean's Sabra-Jaguar Pride arrives claiming he wants to join the Commonwealth; Dylan must decide if he is to be trusted.

This was an enjoyably Harper centred episode; even though it was obvious very early on that the 'reporter' wasn't what she seemed it was understandable that Harper would consider handing over the data she wanted as she demonstrated that she could deliver on her promise to remove the larvae. The way Trance kept trying to persuade him not to retrieve the information, and especially not to look up anything about her made her character even more intriguing. Regulars Gordon Michael Woolvett and Laura Bertram impressed in these roles and Jud Tylor was suitably seductive/menacing as reporter Satrina Leander. The secondary story involving Charlemagne Bolivar was also rather fun; largely thanks to James Marsters' performance in the role; he stole just about every scene he appeared in. Overall a solid episode that provided action and character development.
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