The very episode where BSG fell completely off the rails. Dozens of serious problems!
29 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This episode contains about 10 major 1st order plot holes and about 50 second order plot holes and implausibilities. This is waay too much for a 45 minute show.

So, Athena - suicidal because of the "murder" of her child is allowed to connect to a Cylon raider brain and transmit the jump "package" to other raptors. Dozens in the fleet know this so everybody knows. This alone would have been a fleet wide mutiny an episode ago! One raptor has "navigational program failure" and jumps right next to New Caprica, a rare "hidden, habitable planet". How likely is that? Sounds like a plant - trap, doesn't it? And the Cylons return within days with news of a "peace" just before the election. WOW. We are constantly reminded of the Cylon/computer menace since the first episode... yet everybody in the fleet forgets to at least question this nonsense.

The surivors from Caprica escape into the fleet after 6 months and we know that some parts of Caprica have been completely decontaminated and turned into gardens with repaired cities and restaurants.... from two sources: first return mission with Starbuck some months ago and now from the current one....... yet the president (Roslin) is allowed to make a statement that their worlds are a radioactive wasteland... just 2 minutes after the second mission returns!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep in mind that the fleet has only about 45 000 people and there is plenty of everything back there.

It is clear that the writers of the various parts didn't even talk to each other!!!!

And this is only the beginning!
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