Bowling, airplanes, time machines, turkeys, dancing goofys and amphibious cars
24 May 2018
Love animation to bits. It was a big part of my life as a child, especially Disney, Looney Tunes, Hanna Barbera and Tom and Jerry, and still love it as a young adult, whether it's film, television or cartoons. Actually appreciate it even more now, having more knowledge of the different animation styles and directors and what work went into them.

Am most familiar with the 'Mickey Mouse Works' cartoons from them featuring on 'House of Mouse', a show still held a fondness for by me. With the colours and sound effects, that 'Mickey Mouse Works' makes a real effort to retain the spirit of the old/classic/golden age Disney cartoons is to be lauded. The characters' original personalities are admirably stuck true to as well, particularly Goofy and Donald, while also expanding those for a few, Mickey being more interesting here than before. The hyperactive energy present here is one of few things that is different.

The "Donald's Dynamite" cartoons are too short and predictable, but they are also very funny and Donald's trademark personality is both hilarious and endearing. 'Bowling Alley' for me is one of the funnier ones and there is enough freshness to what is essentially a formula series of cartoons to stop it from being repetitive.

'Mickey's Airplane Kit' is amusing (especially in the latter part) and charming, even when the outcomes of what happens and the ending are obvious from the get-go, with Mickey like a ray of sunshine. His chemistry with Minnie is cute and it is a situation that a lot of couples would identify with whole-heartedly.

Really enjoy the deliciously eccentric "Von Drake House of Genius" cartoons and the character himself for the same reasons. Even when short, 'Time Reverser' is suitably inventive and fun to watch.

Similarly love the "answer service" cartoons with Mickey, Goofy and Donald together. Their distinct personalities, how they gel and clash with each other and their chemistry really drive the cartoons and are delightful. 'Turkey Catchers' is no exception and has some great gags and a memorable foil in the turkey, as well as a nice little end twist.

'Dance of the Goofys' is another amusing and charming cartoon, with Goofy being as endearingly clumsy as ever even when a fairy and terrific use of Strauss' 'Voices of Spring' which is an enormous part of the cartoon's success. The darker tone of the latter parts of the cartoon doesn't jar at all with the more whimsical and magical first half that avoids being too saccharine.

While not surprising in outcome, the stories are lively and engaging, kept afloat by the character interaction, characters and the atmosphere. The writing is clever and very funny, even with the deliberately corny moment and pun which made me grin rather than groan.

Really enjoy the spontaneous flow of the episode and Donald's spotlight stealing/accident with the amphibious car is very funny indeed, if not the funniest of the series.

Furthermore, the animation is very colourful, smooth in movement and with some meticulous detail. The music is suitably groovy, jaunty and cleverly used.

Voice acting is very good with some of the best voice actors in the business involved. Wayne Allwine, Bill Farmer and Tony Anselmo are more than worthy successors to Walt Disney/James MacDonald, Pinto Colvig and Clarence "Ducky" Nash. Corey Burton voices Von Drake with enthusiasm.

Overall, very good. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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