I have the Power
4 May 2018
This is one of my favorite animated shows of all time, and it's another childhood gem of mine.

I was kid from the 80's and I was six years old at the time I saw this show, this show is literally one of the first animated shows I've ever seen. It literally blew my mind it was no show I've ever seen before, in fact it was nothing anyone ever seen before at the time, it's one of the things I love about the sci-fi and fantasy genres are their full of surprises.

This show did so much for me, it actually got me into the sci-fi and fantasy genres, without this show I never would of known or got into movies like "Star Wars" or TV shows like "Doctor Who", etc. Even sort of inspired me to get into physical fitness as I wanted to be as strong and in shape as He-Man, remember one time when I was still little trying to push down a telephone pole, couldn't do it of course. To this day I still enjoy watching it, not just to appeal to the kid inside me but also appreciating it for what it is.

There is just so much going for the show, the animation is very good I wouldn't say ground breaking but it's not trying to be just good enough to accomplish what it wants to deliver to us. I really love the fantasy world of Eternia, this place is true to it's name as it just has an endless amount of lands, customs, out of this world wonders, you name it which is the perfect place for lots of adventure. I even love the fact that this is a place that is one foot in the realm of fantasy but one foot in sci-fi which is awesome because both make such a beautiful combination as we see the mystic arts are still practiced but also there is science and technology both play their roles well and at the right times. And there are also memorable alien creatures and monsters and we see lots of them whom are never in short supply.

I really love the music, from some of the tunes in episodes but mainly the theme song which is one of my favorite themes songs of all time as it is just booming with the sense of a big hero and epic adventure.

Characters are all fun and colorful, from the heroes: He-Man/Prince Adam whom yeah he's kind of bland but in a good way, it's just always awesome seeing He-Man in action using his super strength, or even just using that power sword as it can just cut about anything like butter, deflect laser bolt you can practically hit the bolts like tennis balls. But I just love the concept of having a power sword and changing yourself whenever you need to into a powerful warrior, kind of like DC character Captain Marvel or even Sailor Moon; seeing that as a kid I wanted a power sword of my own it would be handy in case any bullies targeted you or better yet stop any life and death situations that would occur.

Let alone seeing him ride on his pet/side kick Battle Cat, whom is also a cool character. We at first see him as the talking tiger Cringer whom is sort of a Scooby Doo like character like him a real fraddy cat but has a series case of the munchies. However whenever He-Man zaps him with the sword he turns into a real bad ass with the persona to boot, he Battle Cat persona has this tough dry charisma and humor. I really love the armor design of him and seeing him kick some ass with He-Man. I also wanted to be able to do that, turn my pet cat or dog into a giant bad ass, ride on him and have him help me out in a fight or if ever I'm in trouble.

Orko he's a character I always had the most fun, he's the most colorful character in the show, yeah he's a comic relief but he's not annoying, he kind of reminds me a bit of Mr. Mixipilk from "Superman" only he's good. He's a wizard from another dimension who's magic for some reason doesn't work as well in the Eternia realm, which would make sense since each realms physics are different at least that's what I think. His magic kind of behaves like a beat up car, sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn't, but to me this sort of humanizes the character a bit makes him sort of an underdog because despite this hiccup lets alone certain failures he still tries. I really love how there is this strangeness and enigma to his character (he is from a different dimension after all) he is just full of surprises from his hat in episodes that sometimes opens up and a hand pops out to pick something up or throw something. A pyramid he owns when opened there is always something different, like one side brings out fruit, other sides I won't tell you have to see the episode yourself. But what I like about him the most is he's child like, energetic, but he's always willing to do the right thing and help his friends out to the best of his flawed ability.

Villains are also fun, there is Evil Lyn whom I'll admit despite some of the other women in the He-Man virse I actually was attracted to her, what can I say I'm into bad girls. I don't know may 'be it's that outfit she wears but I thought she was kind of cool as she's a bit like who Star scream is in "Transformers" despite working for Skelator she doesn't really like or respect him and has her own agenda. Despite wanting to defeat the eterians she also wants to get a step up in the game; she literally could almost be a equal in power to Skelator sometimes more powerful.

Skelator he's strangely my favorite character in the show and one of my favorite fictional villains. He's a villain that emits menace but is also comical at the same time, from that glowing skull to that voice, hearing that cackling laugh from him is music to my ears. He is another really colorful character as it's just fun seeing him always coming up with schemes to foil He-Man and his friends but they always fall flat because either they outwit him or sometimes there is hole or two in the plan, much like with "Pinky and the Brain"; and it always ends in a lot of grief for him. But I also love how he gives a lot of grief to the cohorts that work for him like Beast Man, Trap Jaw, and everyone else; likewise on their part.

But of course this show we're all in it for the action and adventure. The action is good it's not exactly wall to wall like you would see on other shows, but good enough as we see He-Man and the rest beating the crap out of Skelator and his forces but also the dangers Eternia has to offer. Or even some vehicular assault, I always loved seeing them use those vehicles like the Star Raider, Attack Track, though my favorite is the Sky Sled, though I always wonder how they heck to they stay on those vehicles as their up in the air sometimes doing a one eighty loop, are they magnetized to the vehicle somehow? Each episode was always something different which made it all the more thrilling and fun because it meant a different adventure each time, I remember every time it came on I wondered where were He-Man and his friends going to go to next, what other monsters are they going to fight, or what will Skelator be up to now.

Also this show had some moral lessons, which I'll admit might make the show seem preachy but I think can be effective when you have suddlety too it, much like with the "Power Rangers" shows. We some of this is a bit of the episode but mainly it's after the episode when we see the characters talk to the audience at the end and speak out the lesson of the day. Though I just thought it was kind of cool seeing these character talk directly to us, it was almost like breaking a forth wall.

This show has the power.

Rating: 4 stars
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