Village Hall: Lot 23 (1975)
Season 2, Episode 4
This is glorious.
30 April 2018
This is one of the best episodes from the series, the story itself is almost irrelevant, who on Earth in this day an age would write a story about a village hall sale set up to raise funds for kids. It simply wouldn't happen, it's not punchy enough, but the sub story and subtly are great, but the characters here are just glorious. Patsy Smart and Daphne Heard, two fairly well known actresses in the 70's are simply glorious to watch on screen, their characterisations are so realistic, so engaging. I loved watching the pair, so comical. The story of the man turning up, falling ill, but having a motive for being there was delightful, a true reality, that love never dies.

It's the odd thing like this that makes me glad I keep digging in the television archive, there's definitely gold to be found.
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