AfterDeath (2015)
Interesting Premise Ultimately Undone
19 April 2018
Interesting little low budget affair with an intriguing premise unfortunately undone by the simple fact that the screenplay is filled with many clever "thoughts" passing themselves of as "ideas". It is to be highly commended, though, for seriously trying to be about larger issues even if it hasn't really worked any of them out yet, and ultimately doesn't make sense or hold up to any sort of intellectual scrutiny. This doesn't mean it is not interesting or holds your attention - it manages to do that even as it sometimes feels a little slow or inert. In all fairness, few films that aspire to be about the workings of an Afterlife, and the role of God and human frailty within that context, manage to be deeper than A: questioning for questioning sake, or B: comprised of rather random rules that are never questioned by anyone in the film - and, by extension, the filmmakers themselves. In this case the logical (or theoretical) inconsistencies increase the longer the film goes on trying to resolve its Twilight Zone like set-up, but at least it doesn't cop out and settle for a simplistic summing up or "twist". Performances range from good to totally acceptable - no one has anything to be ashamed of on that front; even the initially Hollywood-esque notion that only five attractive people would be in the house is explained away later that they appear as "idealized" versions of themselves. Effects are obviously low budget, but not distracting.
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