The show is good, from the perspective of an Greek
9 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As a Greek myself, I found the show to be quite good. First of all, Iliad was partial a fairytale from the very beginning, when Homer or Homers wrote it. Do you really believe that this war or series of wars started because someone took Helen? I doubt it, so Homer put from the very beginning an element of dramatization in to the story, as for people that complain about lack of originality they haven't any clue what they are talking about, dramatization was always there, called also as poetic license. Definitely those war-wars started for strategically and economical reasons and definitely not for Helen. As for the black Achilles and the black soldiers, well why not? I like it, Afro-Americans learn in the school ,the same stories as we in the west learn and their heroes are the same, so why not, maybe some Greek nationalist complain about that, but I personally liked it and find it valid in our modern times and yes they deserve it. It's an honor for a Greek that Greek myths-history are loved and inspire, why bother! Another daring part of the show was that for the first part Agamemnon was shown in horrible pain for having to sacrifice his own daughter, I like it, because it's the first time where I see Agamemnon not as the heartless villain but as a father that took a very painful decision, as in real life, do you really believe that a father would kill his child without pain and remorse. The greatest achievements of Greece, were foremost doubt about everything, and a constant change in beliefs, "everything flows", Greek way of thinking was evolutionary and antidogmatic. Then why not accept some changes today? The future Achilles, if he is not already, he could be black.
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