The Killing: From Up Here (2013)
Season 3, Episode 11
Holder: I mean, I don't got to be my sleuth par excellence to see that the cat's got the hand in the jelly jar.
26 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
FromUpHere/TheRoadtoHamelin is a double episode about Linden and Holder trying to get their lives back together, when they're called to the scene of a murder. They piece together that the killer's trying to cover up loose ends and that it must be a cop.

An intense season finale. The third season isn't as good as the first two, but this episode's among the best of the show. Danette with Holder at Bullet's funeral, to her with Lyric at the fast food joint and then on the bridge, she's grown on me. The standout moment, Linden not comprehending why the man she cares about isn't helping, then noticing the daughter's ring as she walks down the steps and out the front door. Everything goes into slow motion, the shock of it all, everything hitting her at once like she's about to collapse, the sprinkler, the kid on the bike, superbly done. The episode has a few little flaws, Holder bluffing the bomb and them reacting, rather silly and I think Linden although in shock and somewhat in self loathing to an extent, gives Skinner many opportunities to physically disarm her. Despite that, I Love it.

Linden: We worked together, we were partners, and. Holder: And and and. Linden: And we. Holder: Oh! Linden: Don't don't do that. Holder: Snap! Linden: Don't do that. Don't look at me like that. Holder: How many times? One time? Two times? Three times? Stop me at anytime, Linden. Four times? Five times? Linden: You're such an idiot. Holder: You are a human being. You're actual flesh and blood. Linden: Aw. Holder: I mean, I'm just as surprised as you are. Linden: You jealous? Holder: Oh, well played, Detective Linden. Well played.
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