Eyes in the Dark: Another cookie cutter found footage film
11 December 2017
I really do believe that with a couple of rare exceptions that once you've seen one found footage movie you truly have seen them all.

This is another that is presented in the form of evidence footage, it covers several different groups and there last moments on earth in the forest.

What's after them you ask? Well, it's not entirely explained and like most movies of the genre you don't see all too much.

So what do you see? A lot of average character development, a ton of shaky cam work and the usual screaming. Lots, and lots and lots of screaming.

Sadly that's about it, very little happens and when it did it leaves you questioning why they even bothered.

It's not the worst of its kind of seen, but it's still a mess devoid of entertainment value.

The Good:

The red eyes though ridiculous certainly are memorable

The Bad:

Very slow

Usual clichés

No originality at all

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

The whole found footage genre needs a reboot
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