Thrilling enough to furnish good entertainment
9 December 2017
A picture, in two parts, dealing with the great Northwest. The best of it, so far as the story goes, is a chase or manhunt over the rocks and ravines of a wild country. The photography is clear, and the exploits of the two men, bad man and R.N.W. mounted police officer, are thrilling enough to furnish good entertainment. In the opening scenes, which are set before the fireplace in a spacious country house. and have a story teller and a group of children around him, are charming. The lighting of them is perfect. The rays seem to come from the fire on the hearth and to wrap themselves around the group in a warm poetic glow; yet the detail of the group is perfectly photographed. The story is clear, although in character it is like others, especially of this series of rough life in the wintry forest. It will be liked and is a commendable offering. - The Moving Picture World, October 25, 1913
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