Review of Odette

Odette (1950)
A good important film; perhaps one of the more overlooked films about the 2nd world war.
16 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The film Odette, I think, is less well known than 'Carve her name with pride' - a film that deals with fairly similar wartime themes and is also based on a true story. I do think that Odette probably suffers, but only slightly in comparison, as it is a little too stolid in places. Both films would make excellent companion pieces, however, and 'Odette' is certainly well worth watching.

Odette is about a French women (Odette) who is sent to France as part of SOE. She has initially been sent to work with the French resistance around the important wartime port of Marseille. Whilst there she gradually falls in love with a British resistance man (Trevor Howard) who is also working undercover in France. Their relationship builds slowly through the film, surviving both prison and torture by the Gestapo, until after their terrible experiences they are reunited in Britain.

The love story is mostly understated, but underscores the nature and real danger of 'resistance' work in France. The film is sometimes a little stiff upper lipped and can be a little jarring, but the important scenes are done very well.

Those scenes include the torture of 'Odette' although the violence to her is not shown. The menace is there though in the framing of the scene, and you see a gestapo man take a red hot poker out of a stove, with the clear implication that he will burn her back with it. She also has her toe-nails pulled out, although we do not see that portrayed in the film. While the suggestion of Gestapo violence is palpable, it is the scene after her torture that sticks in the mind. You can see the pain seemingly etched in her face, her hair bedraggled, and clinging with sweat to her forehead.

It is a very powerful scene, which works extremely well in expressing the torment she went through. Strangely and unfortunately enough the film probably doesn't exude enough menace early on. The acting is good as you might expect from Trevor Howard. Anna Neagle who plays Odette is good as well. There is a nice cameo from Peter Ustinov as a French and occasionally grumpy wireless operator.

There is some attempt not to simply have all the Germans as one dimensional. The main German antagonist (Marius Goring) does portray a more complex German. He does not like the Gestapo and their methods, even if, as is pointed out, he goes along with what they do.

The other notable scene includes the concentration camp 'Ravensbruck' were the story becomes even darker. Odette is tortured by being imprisoned in solitary confinement with little or no food, and with the heating deliberately turned up to as hot as possible. She nearly dies from this, although she is given slightly better treatment after that. The sadism of the German women guards is hinted at in the film, although not in its probably horrifying detail. Odette is eventually rescued by the camp commander, who tries to save his own skin by releasing her to the advancing Americans.

There is some humour despite the dark material in the film, but it is mostly rather forced and stilted. I think the film is probably overlong, and the script lacks bite early on. The film is of its time, and the film probably softens some scenes that a modern audience would probably expect to see.

It does a mostly successful job, however, of explaining 'Odettes' story; she did receive a well deserved 'George Cross' for her bravery. I think this is an important film, not simply for its look at her work in the French resistance, but for her confinement in Ravensbruck, were many brave women would not survive the war in that camp. They were often executed there, or basically left to die.

If you are interested there is a Wikipedia page dedicated to the prominent women who died in Ravensbruck, and it also contains more sobering detail on the nature of the suffering they endured.

I don't this film ranks as one the great war films, the script is a little leaden at times, and until later on in the film there is not that feeling or menace your might expect. I would recommend it none the less, the story is compelling enough to overcome the difficulties with the script.
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