Drag Queens and Gays - forget this movie
13 November 2017
I never saw Sordid Lives before. Maybe I should have. Came upon this movie at random, didn't know what to expect. My opinion? Save your money. This movie has it all, for starters, way over-done, too many ingredients, out of focus, should have been simpler and with more clarity. Add to that, bad script, bad directing, bad acting, bad editing (screenplay). This movie is all over the place and drifts away from main subject (of the wedding) so much that I found it confusing. Compare it to the Birdcage with Robin Williams. Now THAT was a great movie! Sordid Wedding had way too many characters to keep up with. Unnecessary. Getting back to bad script, actors lines seemed unnatural. Bad editing, too much camera time devoted to the old man drag queen. I found this character boring and really didn't help the movie at all. Bad directing, Is this wannabee director trying to be funny or serious? Make up your mind. Go back to film school. Whoopie Goldberg? I mean, like, what's the point?
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