The Flash: Mixed Signals (2017)
Season 4, Episode 2
On this episode of The Iris aka Desperate Flash Wannabe
17 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
  • Iris the leader is still shoehorned, still unbelievable and still needs to get over herself.

  • Saving lives is all important but only if it doesn't interfere with Iris' personal plans.

  • Iris thinks she and Barry are Flash now. That's some ego she has. But to back it up, the writers had Iris do the pep talks/runBarryrun/coming up with the solutions instead of the team. That's not an improvement. What would be an improvement is Barry NOT needing pep talks or exhortations to run all the freaking time, and coming up with the solutions himself as expected of a superhero.

  • Iris throws out she's upset Barry left without consulting her. As if he was going on vacation and not saving CC from IMMINENT death and destruction. This is a woman who grew up as a cop's daughter, dated and almost married a cop who died saving everyone, and is about to marry a superhero. Makes me wonder if Joe and Eddie consulted her every time they got a call. I would like to say this was a surprising reveal but it's not. She has been consistently making everything about herself since S1. She truly is the ball and chai - er, I mean rock for Barry.

And because Barris isn't enough, Cisco/Gypsy have joined in the soap operadic melodrama.

Shockingly enough there were other characters and things in this ep. Risky business/Barry catching up on TV, return of Captain Singh/CSI Barry (working at his job even if only for 3 seconds)/Cisco's beloved fake PD badge, 1st therapy session, Barry dismantling the car and catching the bomb shrapnels, hacked flash suit were as fun as the show promised.

Brain farts:

  • Was that Ralph Dibny behind the yellow line when Cisco arrived at the crime scene?

  • Does this mean Iris thinks she's been abandoned by Eddie, too? Poor guy, he gets absolutely no love, only the shaft even in death.

  • Barry can't phase out of his suit but he can run fast enough to throw lightning and hit himself with it.

  • Is the production or is the actor behind the Neymaresque transformation of Wally?

  • The show is doing Wally no favors keeping him on. Since Iris is taking over the show, there's little room for him if they don't make him Flash.

  • This show better hope JL sucks donkey balls.

Score: 5
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