The Flash: Mixed Signals (2017)
Season 4, Episode 2
We Are the Flash
17 October 2017
Well I have to give it to The Flash, they are really trying to lighten up the tone this year, and I don't mind it all that much. I can't necessarily say the same for the direction it looks like they are taking The Thinker, but if we can get back to season 1 and most of season 2's tone, then I'm down.

This week, Team Flash took on a villain, who I'm just going to call Kilg%re, who used his metahuman abilities to hack into technology and exact his revenge on his former co-workers. Sounds like a regular day at the office to me, right? Luckily, there was plenty of goofiness to go around to keep the Walter White wannabe's plans to a minimum (seriously, that's who this villain reminded me of). Not only was today a full blown girlfriend-problems episode between Cisco and Barry's issues, but it was also an episode full of suit shenanigans thanks to Cisco's upgrades.

It felt like the only reason Gypsy made an appearance was so that Cisco's arc could be paralleled with Barry's. While it's good to throw in some romantic material every once in awhile, I wasn't a huge fan of the material tonight. Iris' confession about her unhappiness with Barry leaving to the speedforce was a nice touch, and Candice Patton does have a tendency to pull out nice dramatic beats when needed. Gypsy and Cisco's arc wasn't as nicely plotted out. She would just randomly show up every few scenes with much notice. I've enjoyed their relationship to this point, but I would just like a more consistent presence of Gypsy or really no presence at all. This show already has a problem with too many characters.

As much as this episode felt like a huge villain of the week episode without much depth, there were some fun moments, including an impressive slow-motion sequence at the police department with Barry stopping the grenade. They don't usually spend a ton of time in the CGI department on the slow-motion, but it seems like that was stepped up this week. Some cheesy romantic stuff and a weak villain didn't help but it was an improvement over last week for sure. Plus, that Risky Business tag was pretty dang great. Out of nowhere, but still great.

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