Lambs Have Teeth but this movie needs Help
15 October 2017
I found this on Amazon and it appeared to be promising which should have been my first clue that something was awry given that I discovered it on Amazon. As I said it started promising and the acting wasn't obviously awful and the movie low budget......at first. When things turn for the worse for the two protagonists of the movie it is like the film, the actors, the writers, everyone just gave up and the movie disintegrated into a -D list type of movie.

At no point in time did I feel like the girls were in any sort of danger. The movie attempted to show their abuse at the hands of their attackers but their lack of tears, grief and their fresh out the salon hairstyles did not give off an air of despair. A situation that would have anyone in pure panic has them seemingly detached and bored as they deliver their lines like they are doing a reading. Once they are on the path of their "revenge" the movie rushes along and loses any sense of logical semblance and because it is done so poorly you really just don't care.

4/10 and that is being extremely generous.
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