Return of the Killer Tomatoes!: Misses its mark but still entertains
29 September 2017
1978's Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes was an unexpected cult gem that despite looking ridiculous actually managed to entertain with it's Naked Gun (1988) style humour.

With the sequel set a decade later and following on from the events of the first I expected more of the same so was disheartened to see they had gone in a different direction.

The style of humour is the same though not as quickfire, but the content simply isn't Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes! Instead of rampaging killer vegetables we instead have a sinister plot that involves Tomatoes in human form.

Starring the original Gomez Adams John Astin and a young George Clooney this silly but still likable comedy doesn't provide the laughs alike the original but still has enough about it to be entertaining.

You may have to wade through some unfunny stuff to get to them but the jokes are there and most are delivered by Clooney who demonstrates once again that he has a natural affinity for comedy.

It's hard to believe this franchise was born at all let alone that it spawned 4 movies across 3 decades and even a television show!

The Good:

George Clooney is hilarious

The Bad:

Doesn't have the novelty value or charm as the original

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Big Breasted Girls Go To The Beach should have been a real film

Anchovies go great on pizza with gummy bears

Rasberry Jam Calzone should be a thing

A teddy bear yelling rape is one of the most traumatising sounds imaginable

I want a FT doll

If the movie was remade the confederate flag would probably not be on the good guys uniform

Big Breasted Tomatoes go to the beach and take their tops off should also have been a real film
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