Buck Rogers: "The Plot to Kill a City: Part 1"
10 August 2017
PLOT: Buck masquerades as a top assassin while Wilma masquerades as a nightclub babe in order to infiltrate The Legion of Death, a group of super-powered assassins with plans to obliterate New Chicago off the face of the Earth.

GUEST CHARACTERS/CAST: The group of assassins consists of Kellogg (Frank Gorshin), Sherese (Nancy DeCarl), Quince (John Quade), Varek (Anthony James) and Marcos (Robert Tessier). Barney, the likable thug is played by James Sloyan while Jorella is played by Markie Post.

COMMENTARY: Cheesy late 70's sci-fi or not, the comic booky story is compelling and the characters are well fleshed-out and portrayed. Fun-lovin' Markie Post stands out in her ultra-alluring red outfit (kudos to the costuming department). People forget how jaw-dropping she was in her prime and we thankfully have this episode (and Part 2) to remind us. The sympathetic story arc of Varek (the tall, melancholic assassin) is well done.

Nancy DeCarl is thoroughly stunning as the super-villainess and her striking brown costume is reminiscent of The Enchantress from the Thor comics (again, kudos to the costuming department). Meanwhile Gorshin is effective as the cold, evil mastermind. Lastly, the story features some actual locations rather than the typical one-dimensional, flimsy sets (e.g. "Vegas in Space"). The matte paintings are unconvincing as usual though.
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