Lies of Omission (I) (2017)
By controlling citizen access to information media controls what we think
8 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film consists primarily of rock-solid interviews with crusaders for individual liberty. They describe in detail how important stories are either ignored or spun beyond recognition, particularly with respect to the Fast and Furious scandal. Agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms ordered Phoenix-area gun shops to ignore obvious straw purchases of semiautomatic guns in contravention of federal law, ostensibly so the agents could track the flow of weapons to Mexican drug cartels.

Instead, the weapons were not tracked at all, with the cynical intent at ATF to rack up hundreds of deaths in Mexico which could be blamed upon "loose American gun laws" and thereby justify a crackdown on American gun owners. The plan came undone when Border Patrol officer Brian Terry was killed with a Fast and Furious gun. Whistleblowers within ATF got the word out literally before Terry's body was cold, leading to extraordinary efforts by the Obama administration and its allies in the main stream media to cover it up.

Their stories are told with such candor that they cannot be ignored.
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