Its a shame as you could tell people put effort into this.
6 August 2017
Thats not to say that this is a terrible film, far from it. The productions values were good and the acting was pretty good also.

The problem here is the script and pacing as well as some editing. Its clunky and Non Linear and is broken up into chapters.

The problem with this is that none of the reveals in the chapters, in the form of flashbacks tell us anything really interesting, they work more as a conduit for understanding the next scene/chapter.

The film also seems to take itself way too seriously with hammy dialogue and what i call Hollywood paint by number exposition.

There could have been real mystery here but instead they reveal this to us, the viewer within the first 5 minutes. So we have no mystery or suspense.

What about action ?? Well there is very little of that either, what little there is, was however done quite well but nothing very unique or with a wow factor.

Humour or dark humour was virtually non existent.

The whole wasteland environment was vaguely pushed upon but with not enough meat on the bones for it to really set the scene.

What your left with here is a quite well produced, quite well acted, average script with average sfx and a fairly bland story with an underwhelming ending.

It would be interesting to see the people who made this do something with a better script and story and something a bit less generic and average.

Overall you have a pretty forgettable sci fi film which is a shame as you can see the effort put into the project.
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