Review of Part 9

Twin Peaks: Part 9 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 9
This is the Chair
12 July 2017
I was really frustrated with this show after episode 8 aired, but since come to appreciate how ridiculously messed up that episode was. This week's adventure took the plot back to the real world and gave us a little bit more insight into what's actually happening. We found out that Major Briggs had a lot more to do with what's happening to Cooper now than we originally thought, and that things are still pretty awry with the Horne family. Though, there's still no sign of Audrey! These are the type of Peaks episodes that I enjoy because there's actually a little bit of structure to the plot. Of course, the randomness of that Horne brother cracking his head open on the wall and the two ladies speaking together at the club about god knows what, aren't exactly easily to understand without context, but I'd much prefer those to whatever we got a few weeks back. With that said, Dougie is still Dougie and I don't feel like we're all that close to getting out of that situation. It will easily be the last episode or two of the season before we get that resolution. For that, this episode still doesn't bring the show back to where I want, but it's also nowhere near the confusion that the last episode brought to the table.

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