All I can say is... this movie sucks!
1 July 2017
Linkara and Atop the Fourth Wall was always a bit of a grab bag for me. At the start there was actual care put into showing problems with the comic book. Maybe it was artwork, or problems with the story or motivation. Then as time went by it became less about that than just making lame jokes about panels. As Linkara's popularity increased so did the characters and the sketches. While he brought us the joys of Snowflame he also brought things like the "King of Worms". And that's where I gave up. It seemed to be more about Linkara and how amazing he was and not about the comics.

So when I heard that the AT4W movie had been completed and I saw the cast of Channel Awesome contributors I decided to check it out. I couldn't make it through the first part. I turned to the second part and maybe he'd have picked up something by then, get the preliminaries out of the way but no, the same problems exists. Namely none of these people can act.

It's fine for the little skits they do and I do like Brad Jones and Nash but the rest are a mixed bag. Allison is a little too over the top. Joe is always playing the same character. And let's be honest, Marzgurl can't deliver a line to save her life. The woman is a terrible actress.

No laughs, forced pathos, comic relief that didn't work, Marzgurl, it was a recipe for disaster.
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