Feud: Pilot (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
Realizing You Need Each Other
26 June 2017
Feud: Bette and Joan (2017)

Episode 1: Pilot

Joan Crawford (Jessica Lange) realizes that there aren't any good roles coming to her so her agent recommends she look for her own project. This leads her to discovering the book What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?. Joan realizes this could be the help her career needs but she's going to have to accept the fact that the only way to sell it is by getting her rival Bette Davis (Susan Sarandon) on board.

I actually went back and watched WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE? before I started this series. I was a little shocked that they decided to tell the story of Crawford and Davis since, well, so many actors and actresses from previous decades just aren't remembered by anyone other than film buffs like myself.

This first episode at least got the series off to a good start. I'm not going to call this episode great because it seems like it was made to try and inform people of who Davis and Crawford were. As a film buff, I'm well aware of them so there really wasn't anything ground- breaking here story-wise. It did do a great job at building up your interest for what is obviously going to follow.

Both Sarandon and Lange have fit into their roles quite nicely so it's going to be interesting to see where these two legendary actresses go while playing legendary actresses. It seems the series gets a chuckle out of some F-bombs being dropped as well as even more profanity, which seems to be becoming the norm on FX.

Episode: B+
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