Not bad... at least as good as most television
10 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I had never heard of this until actually watching it. I didn't know what to expect but I would suggest if you like television based sci-fi then you will like this. In fact I thought until near the end that it might be one of those movies created as a pilot for a TV show. Some have compared it to Star Trek but I'd suggest it is more in-tune with Gerry Anderson's shows especially UFO. The sets, uniforms, hairstyles were much more marionette than human.

I will admit I might have missed it but I thought the rescue crew were not just genetically enhanced humans but in part androids themselves. Likely cyborgs - this explained their appearance and their lack of emotion. Initially when I started to watch this crew I was struck by how bad the acting was until I realized that they were all supposed to not have emotions. In which case the blank faces made sense.

There were plot holes but mainly unanswered questions more than anything. I suspect that was planned but it did come across as a little jumbled. For example there is no rationalization given for a scanning done of a fallen android near the end of the film. I suspect there might have been plans for that to go somewhere but it didn't. Or maybe the writers did it on purpose to make people like me question it.

Overall I found it entertaining for an hour and a half. Like finding some rarely scene old sci-fi movie on late night TV.
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