Review of Cave

Cave (2016)
The trailer is better than the movie
1 June 2017
This film isn't NEARLY as thrilling as the trailer makes it appear. Not even close! A couple and their old friend (her ex) go cave diving in attempt to find an exit to a cave. There isn't an exit indicated on the map... but this is what adventurous cave explorers do! OK cool!


1. AWESOME scenery and cinematography.

2. The characters were really adventurous, smart, capable/experienced, and had a really cool background.

3. Overall it was a pretty intriguing set up (basically it started out good).

But when we talk about what's "waiting for them" deep beneath the ground? Well... not much. The trailer just uses good music and scenes to make you think this is a good thriller. But it's not.


1. The couple was kind of annoying... well the guy was. They didn't have a lot of chemistry either.

2. A couple things happened that are only used to make you think something worse is coming... but nah. These incidents are either unrelated or they did a poor job of making the connection.

3. The third act was poor. After the second act there was still a chance for this to be a decent movie... but they completely dropped the ball here.

If you're at home and bored on a Saturday afternoon... go ahead and check it out... I wouldn't say it's a COMPLETE waste of time. Otherwise don't bother. This is not something I'd recommend.

Audio review... no spoilers o @moviebuffchick1
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