Doctor Who: The Ice Warriors: Episode One (1967)
Season 5, Episode 11
Neat little story for Patrick Troughton's doctor
28 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
THE ICE WARRIORS is a DR WHO story and vehicle for Patrick Troughton's Doctor, travelling alongside his companions Jamie and Victoria. In this episode they end up at a research institute in the snow, one that's trying to prevent the progress of a glacier working its way toward them. In a twist seemingly borrowed from THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD, they discover a body encased in the ice, a body which soon turns out to belong to a very much alive Ice Warrior intent on domination.

This six-part story remains pretty watchable in an era in which many of the DR WHO episodes seem dated and occasionally unwatchable for modern viewers. Troughton is a bit annoying here in terms of his hyperactivity but you do get supporting actors like Peter Sallis, Peter Barkworth, and even Bernard Bresslaw as the chief villain of the piece which engages things somewhat. The usual run of cliffhangers, near death experiences, and scientific jargon discussions ensue, and it's all handled quite neatly on an obviously low budget.
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